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A Kufi Octave: Contemporary Calligraphy

My work seeks to breathe new life into an ancient form of calligraphy, marrying it with the sacred art of geometry. Help me create a silkscreen edition of 8 selected designs and receive your own prints or originals in return.

Joumana Medlej

Un proyecto de


Creado en

Beirut, Líbano
De 2.400€
Aporta al proyecto
Ver proyecto en Français

Escoge tu recompensa

Apóyalo con una donación

Aporta sin recompensa
Haz una donación altruista al proyecto sin recibir ninguna recompensa a cambio:


As an apprentice in Arabic calligraphy, trained by a nontraditional master, my aim is to explore ever more deeply the potential of the oldest Arabic writing style – Kufi – through experimenting in form and media. All of my work can be seen on my website. The purpose of this project is to create a limited-edition portfolio of 8 calligraphic pieces printed in silkscreen.

Silkscreen is a gorgeous art print technique that produces thick, deep flat colors on cotton paper. Despite being a process that belongs to the East and West rather than the Middle East, it perfectly compliments my personal approach to an ancient art form that has lost none of its power.

The amount I wish to raise would pay for the paper, the silkscreening, and the shipping of rewards. The rewards, listed on the right, consist in the art prints themselves, as well as originals, painted and illuminated, for nearly a third of their usual selling price – an exceptional deal that will not happen again outside Verkami.


By contributing a sum of your choice, you are pre-ordering one of the rewards offered on the right. I have 40 days to raise the amount I need to fund the printing, and you won't be charged until those 40 days are up, and only if enough contributions have been made to insure I can complete this project. When/if that happens, I'll start the printing and then mail the rewards to everyone who contributed.


When you send a contribution, if you have a preference for one or more designs, please write to me asap to specify which. I will do my best to send everyone their favorite design, but as these are limited edition, it has to be on a first come first served basis, so the sooner you sign up, the better your chances are. If you pledge for the full portfolio, of course, you'll get them all!

Previews of the rewards:

These are the 8 designs I have adapted for this medium. They'll be printed on Tiziano paper 160 gsm, 44x44 cm, with environmentally-friendly inks:

To read more about each of them, follow these links: AdabDhikrIshqSaadaShawqSirrSukunSukut

Here is a preview of the Shukr (thank you) card, which you will get blank and with an envelope, so that you can keep it or send it to someone. The colors are watercolor + gilding and may vary at random or based on your preference:

Khatt 2011 is an art book collecting all my calligraphy work done in 2011, 29 pieces in total. The Luxury edition offers fine print and paper quality, with a casewrap hardcover binding, in an extra-large format (30.5x30.5 cm). Each image occupies a full page so it can be enjoyed to the best effect, with the commentary and sketches on the opposite page:

Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions!

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7 comentarios

Si ya eres mecenas, Inicia sesión para comentar.

  • Carta Gráfica

    Carta Gráfica

    casi 11 años

    Buenas tardes

    Soy Juan José Franco de Carta Gráfica, dedicada a la impresión de libros y posicionamiento en redes sociales , blogs, tiendas online…….

    Nos ofrecemos para presupuestar futuros proyectos.

    Un saludo,


  • Joumana Medlej

    Joumana Medlej

    más de 11 años

    Emailing you!

  • joumana


    casi 12 años

    Hola Joumana! lovely inspiring work! where can i email you to choose my piece? gracias!

  • Joumana Medlej

    Joumana Medlej

    casi 12 años

    I'm emailing you :)

  • tdaouk


    casi 12 años

    Hi Joumana, great project. wish you success. how do I contact you to specify the design I like the most?

  • Joumana Medlej

    Joumana Medlej

    casi 12 años

    I'll email you right now! I contact contributors when I get notified :)

  • Nathalie Fallaha

    Nathalie Fallaha

    casi 12 años

    Hello Joumana, where do I email you to specify which ones I would like to have?

    great work!

#03 / More updates


Things are moving fast now:

  • All Shukr cards have been made and mailed;

  • 3 of the originals are done, 3 more to go;

  • Printing started a week ago and should be complete in another week to 10 days.

Those of you waiting on prints, I need some info from you at this stage: if you could email me with your mailing address so I can send your prints as soon as I get them. If you reside in Lebanon, directions for where I can can drop them off (preferably in the evening, post-traffic) would be great, or at least the general area and a phone number I can call for specifics.

If you haven't told me yet which prints you want, now's a good time!



#02 / It starts!

Friends, I'm back in Beirut and it's time to update you again. I just got the black paper I need for silkscreening – to my surprise they were out of the white version, so I'll start by printing the designs that have a black background while I look for an alternative source. I'll be spending the afternoon cutting about 100 sheets of paper to size! I also have one original design ready to draw so I'll be starting on that, as well as the Shukr cards. I'll be in touch individually with those of you who ordered original pieces, and report back on the blog when I reach the next step.

Take care!


#01 / Success!

I'm really glad to announce the goal has been reached and we can look forward to these sikscreens with certainty now!

As the project still has 19 days to go, I can't start the printing itself, but in the meanwhile will begin work on the designs for those who bid for original compositions. If you haven't picked a word yet, now's a good time to start thinking :)

I will be in touch with further developments. Thanks for making this possible!

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