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Printmaking studio and art gallery space renovation

Help finish renovation of coworking studio for printmaking, artistic collaborations, teaching and exhibiting art of various artists.

Sergejs Kolecenko

Un proyecto de


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De 2.200€
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Hello, My name is Sergejs Kolecenko and this campaign is to help me finish renovation of new printmaking studio and art gallery in Valencia, Spain. I'm professional printmaker from Riga, Latvia. Graduated from Art Academy of Latvia with Master's degree in Fine art, printmaking department.

I moved to beautiful city of Valencia, Spain one year ago with though of opening one day artist's studio. In mid June this year I found great space for art studio and gallery.

Studio space before renovation
Studio space before renovation

It will be co-working type studio for artists and printmakers to work alongside each other and collaborate on various projects. With big space for exhibiting art and to teach printmaking techniques to everyone interested.

Studio size is about 165m2 and can be used for big and small projects and collaborations. First part of the studio will be for art gallery and it's size is about 56m2.

Printing press for the studio
Printing press for the studio

I have my own 80x120cm big printing press to print any type of work. Here in Valencia I ordered new table for holding the press.

Renovation process

New bathroom building
New bathroom building

Renovation is already started and I need your help to finish it. To open the studio and get the license I need to comply with current laws and build bigger bathroom for access of people with reduced mobility, adjust the entrance to suit those needs as well. Pay the architect for the renovation project and to get the licenses when all is finished, pay city TAX to do the renovation, order and install security bars to get insurance and protect my belongings, fix few walls, paint everything. Costs up to this moment from all the planned renovations and expenses are already above 10000 Eur, which I'm covering already.

Your support

Your support will cover purchase of lights for the studio with installation by professional electrician, replacing old electricity cables where needed. Buying some furniture - tables for work, shelves, drawers and other things that are required for storing tools, finished works and papers. Installing A/C with heating for winter times and buying dehumidifier, since in Valencia air is very humid and printmaking equipment and paper is sensitive to excessive moisture - metal tools and equipment rusts, paper can mold.

If we collect more than initial goal I will be able to buy lights for photo/video filming to make better quality work in progress videos of my own and other people's works. If we will collect considerably more then I might afford to buy second printing press. Decent printing presses are priced at 2000-5000Eur plus delivery and VAT.

Rewards for your support

Some of the artworks as a rewards
Some of the artworks as a rewards

By contributing to this project you can choose one or few of the rewards (if you buy more than one reward) to get for your contribution. For artworks I will provide catalogue to choose for yourself from current selection of works or you can wait and choose from any future artworks that will fit the size of the reward.

Participation in future workshops or just a donation without any rewards.

You can reach out to me to clarify which rewards are available for different tiers.

More about me

Me and mezzotint plates with tools
Me and mezzotint plates with tools

I have participated in more than 20 different exhibitions and competitions worldwide. Won one printmaking award in Belgium for best intaglio print. I'm doing art already 17 years and printmaking in particular for 15 years. I'm doing mostly mezzotint prints

My personal website: sergejskolecenko.com

Instagram: @sergejsworld

Patreon for ongoing support and rewards: Patreon

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