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Giuliano & Kasia - Nuevo CD: "The Peskin project"

Descubre y apoya el nuevo CD en Duo de Giuliano Sommerhalder, con la maravillosa pianista Kasia Wieczorek. ¡Un nuevo acontecimiento en el mundo de la trompeta!

DUO Giuliano & Kasia

Un proyecto de


Creado en

Milán, Italia
De 4.100€
Aporta al proyecto
Ver proyecto en English y Italiano

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El compositor y su musica

Vladimir Peskin (1906-1988) fué un compositor y pianista ruso que escribió unos 74 minutos de maravillosa música para trompeta y piano, llena de sentimientos y emociones - tristeza, alegría, esperanza, pasión y fuerza...

Los artistas

Con 30 años recién cumplidos, el trompetista Giuliano Sommerhalder es laureado de los más prestigiosos concursos internacionales y fué Primera Trompeta de dos de las orquestas más prestigiosas en el mundo (Ámsterdam y Leipzig), antes de dedicarse a la carrera solista y didáctica.

La pianista polaca Kasia Wieczorek se encuentra actualmente entre los pianistas más requeridos en el mundo de los instrumentos de viento metal. Es colaboradora en unos de los mayores concursos internacionales y catedrático de piano y música de cámara en la Hochschule de Frankfurt.

Giuliano sobre el proyecto Peskin

"En mi primer CD (en calidad de solista con orquesta) he grabado el concierto No. 1 de Peskin, que ha sido recibido entusiásticamente en el mundo entero. Entonces decidí dedicarle un CD entero a este compositor.

"Todas las obras son originales para trompeta y piano y tengo la suerte de tener a mi lado la genial pianista Kasia Wieczorek, con la cual hemos encontrado un feeling muy especial que le queda perfectamente a una música tan emocional y emocionante como lo es la de Peskin.

"Este será mi tercer CD, y será grabado con la disquera alemana MDG, sobre disco SACD (Super Audio CD) híbrido estéreo y 6 canales.""

¿Qué pasará con el dinero recaudado?

El dinero de las contribuciones será usado para cubrir los gastos de la sala de grabación (en un monasterio hundido en el silencio y rodeado por la naturaleza de Westfalia), del afinador del piano (siempre presente durante todo el proceso de grabación), del piano (un exclusivo Steinway Grand Piano de 1901 delicadamente renovado), del ingeniero del sonido, del montaje, de la masterización y de la distribución del CD.

Las recompensas

Para agradecerles de sus contribuciones, además de un sentido GRACIAS les tenemos listas unas recompensas adecuadas según la medida de cada contribución. En ningún caso faltará una copia del nuevo CD, testigo tangible de Su amistad y de Su interés para la actividad de los artistas.

La fecha de publicación

La publicación del CD está prevista para octubre 2015.

Las recompensas serán los primeros discos que dejarán los almacenes.

El programa

Vladimir Peskin (1906-1988)

  • Concierto N. 1 en Do menor

  • Concierto N. 2 (Concert-Allegro) en Si bemol menor

  • Concierto N. 3 en Fa menor

  • Poema N. 1

  • Poema N. 2

  • Intermezzo

  • Prelúdio

  • Melodía

  • Romance

  • Rondò-Scherzo

  • Scherzo

+ Info

Giuliano Sommerhalder en Facebook
Producciones musicales MDG

Preguntas frecuentes

Aún no hay ninguna publicada.

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#01 / Working hard!

Dear friends and supporters,

First of all I would like to thank you for the interest in this project which is turning out to be a wonderful reward for the huge amounts of work that have been done in the past years to make this all possible.

About a month ago, I got the first edit from the record label, and the overall image I got from it is extremely positive. The sound is nice and round, and maybe for the first time since I record, I can truly recognize myself and my own sound in it without first having to "get used to it".

A few days ago I sent a 10-page document with the "wishlist" for the corrections to the record company. Most corrections wishes concerned transparency, especially in the highly virtuosic piano part, as well as some requests that aim at making the phrasing more natural. One of the difficult things when recording is to keep the musical gestures as "natural" and "spontaneous" as possible.

We are currently busy completing the English and Spanish translations of the booklet text. Ma father Max wrote a wonderful text in German that gives the reader a deep and clear insight into Peskin's life, his compositions and the period in which this all happened. The only problem about the text is that it is so good that traslating it is quite a task... But I am confident we will manage it! :-)

I am also currently choosing an image for the cover. We decided not to use a photo but rather a painting which would be somehow connected to Peskin's music. A photo would make little sense, as the entire CD is dedicated to one single composer, but the available photographs of his are of very poor quality.

I found two paintings by a painter I like a lot, Pavel Filonov. They are called "Beast (Wolf Cub)" and "Formula of Spring".

They are still both in the race, and I will make a final selection after getting the full cover previews from the producer.

That's all for today! I will keep you all updated as we make some progress.

All best wishes from Milan,


4 comentarios

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  • Sylvie


    9 años

    Bravissimo Giuliano. Non vedo l'ora di ascoltare tuo CD. Per l'immagine di copertina bella idea, mi piace molto Formula of Spring.



    9 años



  • Werner


    9 años

    Seguro va a estar genial. Me alegro por ustedes, un abrazo y saludos a todos por allá.

  • Astrid


    9 años

    Braaaaavo Giuliano & Kasia!

    Can't wait to hear this excellent CD!

#03 / Almost done!

Dear friends,

Today is a special day for me. The final word has been said, I just gave the "O.K." for the CD, booklet, inlay card and cd label to go into the printing process after I sent the last tiny corrections yesterday night.

The printing, pressing, packaging and delivery process of the very first copies will take a few weeks from today, so I will soon send you all a form you should fill out with your address details for your rewards to be sent to you well in advance before Christmas.

Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions if you are in doubt about something, or have special requests.

Once again, thank you or all your enthusiasm and support throughout this exciting process. I hope we will all enjoy the new CD.

I hope you are all doing well and send my warmest regards along.


#02 / Update

Dear friends,

I would like to give you a short update on the creating process of the new Peskin CD.

It has taken us some time to get the English and Spanish translations of the booklet text ready, but the final result was definitely worth the waiting. What was particularly difficult for me was to translate the original German text into a Spanish that is compatible with both Iberian and Latin American Spanish.

The cover is almost done, we ended up choosing Filonov's "Formula of Spring" and are now working on embedding it into a fittingly colored frame and getting the writings right.

But now to the most important part: the second (and probably final) cut of the CD is something that truly fills me with happiness and a hint of pride. The hard work that's behind it is paying off, and I think this CD will have a lasting effect on many listeners. I still can't believe we recorded so much material in just 3 days!

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#01 / Working hard!

Dear friends and supporters,

First of all I would like to thank you for the interest in this project which is turning out to be a wonderful reward for the huge amounts of work that have been done in the past years to make this all possible.

About a month ago, I got the first edit from the record label, and the overall image I got from it is extremely positive. The sound is nice and round, and maybe for the first time since I record, I can truly recognize myself and my own sound in it without first having to "get used to it".

A few days ago I sent a 10-page document with the "wishlist" for the corrections to the record company. Most corrections wishes concerned transparency, especially in the highly virtuosic piano part, as well as some requests that aim at making the phrasing more natural. One of the difficult things when recording is to keep the musical gestures as "natural" and "spontaneous" as possible.

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