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Summer Nights: me, myself and I

Sitting alone on the balcony, listening to the sounds of the night and traveling deep inside myself. Pen and paper in hand, a collection of poems and reflections written in English and translated into Catalan. ...un llibre de poemes i reflexions escrites en anglès i traduïdes al catalan...

Anthony James Meenaghan

Un proyecto de


Creado en

De 400€
Aporta al proyecto
Ver proyecto en Català

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What and why...

Since losing my job in December 2012, I have dedicated myself to music and culture. Learning how to film and edit short movies and internet tv programmes, photoshop and new musical projects as well as production dance & theater and now band & stage management. So why not writing & photography too?

What I do...

I'm a singer, entertainer and artistic director with Selva Entertainment. Recently working on Dance-Theater Project as stage manager and actor, I find myself for ever looking for new ways of self expression and self help... that's when I started to write... I've lived in Catalonia for half my life and so speak both English and Catalan.

The Present...

My project right now is a book of poems and reflections written in English and translated into Catalan. Hand drawn illustrations and photographs will accompany each composition. In the future the idea is to work with musicians to produce songs with them.

The Book...

The book will be approx 40-50 pages of 15 verses accompanied by illustrations and photos. Size 16,5x24cm in full colour.

This I believe to be not only a small book of thoughts and poems, art and photography, but also a way to join my language, English with Catalan.


Sitting alone on the balcony overlooking the mountain of Santa Barbara, listening to the sounds of the night and traveling deep inside myself. I found myself with pen and paper in hand.

The Artist...

Working with an artist in the UK, 'GPJ', illustrations are to be drawn and the odd painting to help describe each poem, which will help in the interpretation. Also photographs of feelings and emotions.

The Money...

The money will be used to pay towards the printing of the books and the artist for the drawings.

When will it be ready...

Most of the writing is complete and now needs translating. The drawings and photos are to follow. The idea is to have everything ready in time for the spring.

My Web pages...

Here you can find some examples of my work, past and present:

Letters of Silk / Cartes de Seda WEB
Selva Entertainment WEB

Anthony James Facebook
ATV.cat Facebook
Selva Entertainment Facebook
Luantrea Facebook
Letters of Silk / Cartes de Seda Facebook

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2 comentarios

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  • Anthony James Meenaghan

    Anthony James Meenaghan

    casi 10 años

    Thank you ets un sol xxx

  • Pili Suarez

    Pili Suarez

    casi 10 años

    M'encanta!!! Simplement sensill pero preciós.

#14 / cap al forn / in the oven

Good things come to those who wait...

And work hard to make them come!
'Summer Nights : me, myself & I' is in the oven.

Les coses bones venen a aquells que esperen ...

I treballan dur per fer que vinguin!
'Nits del estiu: me, myself & I' està al forn.!

#12 / update

Spring is in the air and Summer Nights is nearly here...

La primavera esta a punt d'arribar i Summer Nights esta a punt...

Paintings, photos and translations... a meeting this week and it's ready to bake.

Quadros, fotos i traductions... un reunió aquesta setmana i tot cap al forn...

Saint George's day : International book day Official release

Diada de Sant Jordi : Dia international del llibre Publicacion oficial

Info Book Presentation with other artists very soon + details about the music cd

info Properament Presentation del llibre amb mès artistes + detailes del music cd

Thank you

Anthony James

#11 / whistle while we work

The design for the front cover is almost complete... we'll keep it as a suprise

La portada ja esta apunt... guardarem la sopresa

Artist GPJ has been inspired and has a couple more paintings ready

l'Artista GPJ ha estat enspirat i ja te a un parell mès de quadros fets

Translations are on the move

Traductions en progress

and spring is just around the corner.

i la primavera esta a la cantonada.

Anthony James 2015

#10 / Happy Carnival

This month we will finish the translations from English to Catalan.

Aquest mes ja esterem amb els traducions del Angles al Catala.

The artist is working hard...

l'artista esta treballant molt...


Sant Jordi / Saint George's day.

Have fun i paseu vos bé Carnival.

Thank you / Gràcies

#07 / HI & HOLA

Falta poc per arrivar a les 400€, gràcies a tothom

Not much to go now to reach the 400€, thanks to everyone

#04 / Segueixo buscant mecenes / I continue searching for mecenes

Segueixo buscant mecenes sobre el meu viatge Verkami.

Com les estacions canvien d'estiu a tardor i l'hivern s'acosta, la pluja cau i cobreix la terra en una capa brillant de la vida. La llum del sol brilla a través dels núvols amenaçadors i em sento aquí i m'esperi.

El viatge és curt de només 40 dies, i gràcies per la teva ajuda per arribar a la meva meta ...

Summer Nights : me, myself and I (Nits d'estiu: jo, jo i jo)

Un llibre de poemes i pensaments en anglès i català, amb il·lustracions i fotos.

Per Anthony James Meenaghan

I continue searching for mecenes on my Verkami journey.

As the seasons change from summer to autumn and the winter draws nigh, the rain falls and covers the land in a shiny coat of life. The sun light shimmers through the menacing clouds and I sit here and I wait.

The journey is short only 40 days and thank you for your help to arrive at my goal... Thank you.

Summer Nights : me, myself and I

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#02 / Happy Sunday

The winter is coming and yet the summer doesn't want to go and so it warms our faces as it warms our hearts with it's powerful energy blocked only by a few whispering clouds.

Happy Sunday

L'hivern s'acosta i encara l'estiu no vol anar i s'escalfa la nostres cares com que escalfa els nostres cors amb està poderosa energia només bloquejat per alguns núvols susurrantes.

Heliç diumenge

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